Thursday, October 21, 2010

Windows Azure AppFabric ACM.EXE and ACMBrowser

ACM.exe is an Azure AppFabric Access Control Management Tool, it is a command line tool for performing management operations on Azure AppFabric Access Control resources that reside on Azure cloud. ACMBrowser is a WPF GUI version.

When you need to create, update and delete Access Control resources these tools can be run on local machines, once you have made the necessary changes, the changes can be saved to the cloud. Both tools communicate with the Access Control Management Service in Azure, saving you from having to sign in to your portal account everytime.

Currently these tools do not work if you have an Azure AppFabric Labs Portal Account, they are intended for Azure AppFabric Portal Account holders. 

The Acm.exe tool can be found in the Azure AppFabric SDK download in the \Tools folder.

Before you can utilize this tool you need to add a management key (can be found on the service namespace page), and the service namespace you are using, to the Acm.exe.config file. The Acm.exe.config file can be found in the  \Tools folder of the Win Azure AppFabric SDK download.

When you open the Acm.exe.config file, it contains the following-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>



    <add key="host" value=""/>

    <add key="service" value=""/>

    <add key="mgmtkey" value=""/>



Creating an Access Control resource such as an Issuer using the Acm.exe tool, open a command window, change directory to the ProgramFiles\...AppFabric SDK\V1.0\Tools.

To create an Issuer credential called owner, enter the following:

      acm create issuer -name:owner -issuername:(enter a display name here) -autogeneratekey

If all goes well an ID and the object was created successfully will be displayed.

The GUI Tool ACMBrowser can be found in your AppFabricSamplesSDK download, go to the following directory


Build and run AcmBrowser solution in Visual Studio.